Earlier in the course, you got to write some code to control a software “turtle” as it drew shapes onto an electronic canvas. T
Identification of Physical Communication Channels in Buildings
ourne Institute of Technology School of Information Technology & Engineering BE 302: Mobile and Satellite Communications Laboratory Exercise Identification of Physical Communication Channels in Buildings This laboratory exercise is to help you identify, understand, appreciate and relate to the types o
Assignment 1 - Antenna Analysis
Name Shengyu Xia: Number: MIT170811
- Introduction
In the field of antenna design, the term radiation pattern (or antenna pattern or remote field pattern) is a directed (Angle) dependence of the radio waves from the antennas or other sources. Especially in optical fibre, laser, and integrated optics field, the term radiation pattern can also be used as a synonym for near-field pattern or Fresnel. This involves the electromagnetic field in the source of the near field or the location of the area of the Fresnel dependencies. The near-field pattern is usually placed in front of the ligh
phone detector.
As the increase in the telecommunication technology in the world using the electronic types of equipment is being used in the examination halls. To avoid this, I want to make a project for phone detector.
Finding Strength How to Overcome Anything
ding Strength: How to Overcome Anything Think you’ll never overcome a setback? Think again. Ten surefire ways to rebound. By Deborah Blum, publishe
Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines
ared by: Tarek Elwan Moderated by: Dr Imran Ali Jokhio July 2018 Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines Unit Code BN303 Unit Title Wireless Network
Design a WLAN (WMAN) for an enterprise
d by: Tarek Elwan Moderated by: Imran Ali Jokhio July 2018 Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines Unit Code BN303 Unit Title Wireless Network & Security Assessment Type Group Assessment - two students Assessment Title Design a WLAN (WMAN) for an enterprise Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) a. Design secure WLAN and utilize techniques to mitigate possible attacks. b. Solve complex problem in secure wirele
Association Mining and Trend Prediction
430 ASSIGNMENT2 CAB430 Data and Information Integration Semester 1, 2018 Assignment 2 Association Mining and Trend Prediction Due date: Wednesday, 30 May 2018 (week 13), 11:59pm Weighting: 30% of the assessment for CAB430. Team work: You may work on this assignment individually or in pairs. In