Generated Web Site for Aussie Airport Passenger Movements Your task in this assignment is to write a Python program that generates an informative web site about Airport Passenger Movements Month by Month From 1985-Present, showing summary statistics about the number of domestic and international airport passengers travelling in Australia month by month.
Generated Web Site for Aussie Airport Passenger Movements Your task in this assignment is to write a Python program that generates an informative web site about Airport Passenger Movements Month by Month From 1985-Present, showing summary statistics about the number of domestic and international airport passengers travelling in Australia month by month. This will allow viewers to get insights into the data, and to identify trends that are changing over time. Your program will read some input data from a text file (e.g., a spreadsheet in comma-separated-values, or CSV, format) and automatically generate several web pages with links going between the pages. The input data is updated each month, so the idea is that your program will be run on the updated input data each week or each month to automatically generate an updated web site that shows the latest trends and statistics. Each web page should show a different aspect of airport passenger movements, and how that aspect has changed over time. Some of your pages must have photos and graphs. Here are some suggestions for different pages you might generate: Passenger movements per year, and how this rate is changing over time; Passenger movements per Australian airport; Passenger movements rates per year for each state (identify airport locations) Passenger movements with the highest seasonal impact, eg Summer (12,1,2) vs Winter (6,7,8) Seasonal passenger movements compared to each state The airports with the largest growth (total amount of passengers served) over a period of time Important goals: A. For most of these pages, it would be even more interesting and useful if you could display the change in these statistics over time, such as comparing 1985 against 2017, or the first 5 years against the most recent 5 years. ICT112 Assignment 2 ICT112 TASK 2 2018 B. Also, for many of these pages, it would be more meaningful to airline companies if you could display the overall (all airports) seasonal statistics relative to the total number of passengers that were tourists (short stays) or permanent residents. That is tourists = (total number of international arrivals (Int_Pax_In) subtracted from the total short term arrivals). Seasons can be identified with the month code, eg Summer (12,1,2), Winter (6,7,8) and you may select any time period (year) you wish. To generate some of these relative statistics , you will need to obtain additional data from other sources, such as the file 340104.csv included. You can see other sources at the ABS government website - ( %202018?OpenDocument). You may need to convert those to CSV first. You may identify other relative statistics using these sources if you wish, but make sure you clearly document all your data sources. C. There must be one top-level page, index.html, that is the entry point for the web site. This must give an overview of the whole website, and should have links to all the other pages. D. All the HTML files and graphs/tables in your whole web site must be generated by your Python program, so that your whole web site can be automatically updated when the input data values are updated, just by rerunning your Python program. Learning Objectives In this assignment you will learn how to: 1. use top-down design to divide a larger data processing task into parts; 2. use Python to read and write text files (CSV data files); 3. use functions to raise the abstraction level of your program; 4. analyse data to produce graphs and summary statistics; 5. use string and list methods to generate HTML. Marking Criteria This assignment is due at the end of Week 13 (Friday 11:55pm). You must submit your files in a single .zip file, via Blackboard. Your .zip file should include your Jupyter Notebook (containing your Python program), your input data files, all your generated output web pages; and any image files, graphs and CSS files that are used in your web pages. It will be marked out of 30. The marking criteria is as follows: Jupyter Notebook Structure [6 marks]. This should use markup cells and headings to divide your program into parts: o Title, plus your name and student number; o Introduction, which explains the structure of your web site, and To create a .zip file on a Windows PC, right-click on the folder containing all your Task 2 files, then select ‘Send to / Compressed (zipped) folder’. On a Mac, right-click on your folder and select the ‘Compress foldername’ option. ICT112 TASK 2 2018 3 the features / statistics / graphics that you have implemented; o Web-site overview, to explain the structure of your web site; o Python code, preferably broken into subsections for each part of your program; Web Design and Functionality [6 marks]. To achieve maximum marks, the generated web site should contain several (5-10) web pages, with an entry page (index.html) that links to all the other pages, and the other pages linking back to the entry page; good use of images; the layout and organisation of the pages should be elegant and readable, with appropriate choices of colours; good use of HTML tables for layout; the generated pages should conform to HTML standards; a simple CSS file should be used to specify the look of the web pages (this CSS file does not have to be generated by your program). Data Analysis and Visualisation [6 marks]. Your program should analyse the data and generate (and include in the web pages): o one or more informative graphs/tables that show various aspects of the data; o summary statistics for various group of data (e.g. an average, or maximum, or minimum, or sum) over a period of time o some relative statistics, as mentioned in goal B above. Python Functions [6 marks]. Most your Python code should be inside functions; function parameters should be used to make your program concise and flexible; each function should include appropriate function docs; correct and meaningful naming conventions should be followed for function names and variable names. Program Design and Algorithms [6 marks]. To achieve maximum marks, your program should be elegantly designed: be concise; use constants for important values/strings that are likely to change; use appropriate data structures (e.g. strings, lists, tuples, dictionaries, or objects) to store the data; make good use of Python libraries and methods (e.g. for strings and lists); and be reasonably efficient during execution (e.g. reading the input files just once, rather than many times). A key criterion is that your program should not contain blocks of code that are duplicated or similar (such blocks of code should be simplified into a single block of code by good use of loops or functions). Note: the generated web pages should NOT contain any Javascript, as the goal of this assignment is to generate simple static web pages using Python.