Introduction to Marketing

Introduction to Marketing CCN2003 Semester 1, 2018/19 Individual Assignment Assignment Guidelines Step 1: Read a press release called “Resurgence of Hotel & Dining Membership Undesirable Sales Practices – Be on Alert to Telemarketing Scams” posted on 16 July 2018 by the Consumer Council.


Introduction to Marketing CCN2003 Semester 1, 2018/19 Individual Assignment Assignment Guidelines Step 1: Read a press release called “Resurgence of Hotel & Dining Membership Undesirable Sales Practices – Be on Alert to Telemarketing Scams” posted on 16 July 2018 by the Consumer Council. Step 2: Refer the above press release, textbook chapters 1 and 3, lecture notes 1 and 3, and other relevant information. Then, assume you are the marketing manager of Hotel Telemarketing Company Limited which represents several 5-star hotels in Macau to acquire and retain customers to be members of Hotel Membership Club and then answer the following questions:- (1) Analyse what ethical issues in marketing (mix) of Case 1 were complained by the customer as indicated in the above press release. Use the relevant information from the press release to support your analysis. (Also refer to Note on page 4: Ethical issues in marketing mix) Hint: Identify ALL ethics in P. More than 2 Ps can be identified. Then, answer as follows:- Ethics in P? + provide evidence from the case. Ethics in P? + provide evidence from the case. (2) Use any four Customer Value Requirements to elaborate how you would apply each of these requirements to avoid the above identified customer’ complaints (Q1) to be occurred in your company. State clearly which complaints are avoided and it is expected all complaints should be addressed. Student should explain clearly how you would apply each of these 4 customer value requirements to avoid customer complaint(s) (i.e. Ethics in Ps) identified in Q1. All the complaints (i.e. all Ethics in Ps) should be covered in the answer. Student should refer to the textbook/ lecture notes to understand the concepts. e.g. your answer 1 st customer value + explain clearly how you would apply this to avoid customer complaint(s) identified in Q1 in your company. 2 nd customer value + explain clearly how you would apply the factor to avoid customer complaint (s) identified in Q1 in your company. 3 rd customer value + explain clearly how you would apply the factor to avoid customer complaint (s) identified in Q1 in your company. 4 th customer value + explain clearly how you would apply the factor to avoid customer complaint (s) identified in Q1 in your company. (3) Use the two more mature levels of Ethical (Moral Character) Development Model to elaborate how you would apply each of these levels to avoid the above identified customer’ complaints (Q1). State clearly which complaints are avoided and it is expected all complaints should be addressed. Student should explain clearly how you would apply each of these levels to avoid customer complaints (i.e. Ethics in Ps) identified in Q1. All the complaints (i.e. all Ethics in Ps) should be covered in the answer.. Student should refer to the textbook / lecture notes to understand the concepts. e.g. your answer 1st more mature ethical level + a) first point of definition + elaborate how to apply it to avoid customer complaint(s) identified in Q1 in your company; b) second point of definition + elaborate how to apply it to avoid customer complaint(s) identified in Q1 in your company. 2 nd more mature ethical level + a) first point of definition + elaborate how to apply it to avoid customer complaint(s) identified in Q1 in your company; b) second point of definition + elaborate how to apply it to avoid customer complaint(s) identified in Q1 in your company. (4) According to your answer of Question (Q2), design a poster to promote one or more of the four Customer Value Requirements to your company’s customers. Read this question and instructions carefully! *Student can write more than one complaint. Example of how to apply the concept to solve the problem Problem: Department stores usually open until 9 p.m. in Hong Kong so that people cannot shop in the late evening. Question: For the case of Funny Department Store, apply time utility to solve the problem. Answer: Time utility is availability of goods and services when consumers want them. Funny Department Store can consider opening 24 hours a day in Hong Kong in order to make goods available for consumers when they want to purchase. Hence, consumers can make purchase after 9 p.m. every night.
