write a main() function that can process command line arguments – parameters that are typed at the command line and passed into your program right when it starts running
In this assignment, you will write a main() function that can process command line arguments – parameters that are typed at the command line and passed into your program right when it starts running (as opposed to using scanf() to get input from a user after your program has already started running). Those parameters will be passed to your main() function as an array of strings, and so this program will also jog your memory with respect to using strings in C.
On the software engineering side of things, you will learn to construct programs that use multiple source files and custom header (.h) files. This assignment will also help you hone your ability to acquire new knowledge by reading technical specifications. If you end up pursuing a career as a software developer, the ability to rapidly digest technical documentation and work with new software libraries will be absolutely critical to your work, and this assignment will provide you with an exercise in doing just that.
Finally, this assignment is specifically designed to require relatively few lines of code so that you can make your first foray into the world of Linux without a huge, unwieldy, and intimidating program to debug. As the semester progresses, the programming assignments will become more lengthy and complex, but for now, this assignment should provide you with a gentle introduction to a development environment and software engineering concepts that will most likely be quite foreign to you at first.
Deliverables Elevate.c
Note! The capitalization and spelling of your filename matter!
Note! Code must be tested on Eustis
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