Identification of Physical Communication Channels in Buildings

ourne Institute of Technology School of Information Technology & Engineering BE 302: Mobile and Satellite Communications Laboratory Exercise Identification of Physical Communication Channels in Buildings This laboratory exercise is to help you identify, understand, appreciate and relate to the types o


Melbourne Institute of Technology School of Information Technology & Engineering BE 302: Mobile and Satellite Communications Laboratory Exercise Identification of Physical Communication Channels in Buildings This laboratory exercise is to help you identify, understand, appreciate and relate to the types of mobile communication channels that are found in big buildings in big cities such as Melbourne, Sydney, Tokyo, New York, Johannesburg and Paris. Channel is a path for electromagnetic wave propagation through materials. In this laboratory exercise students are required to explore Levels M and 6 of MIT building. The building has 7 floors but you are not required to explore all the floors. You are not required to explore the roof of the building. You are required to visit the two levels (M and 6) and Laboratory Exercises a) Enumerate and name the types of channels (materials) you find on levels M and 6 b) Estimate the length of the channels and if they are physical items like chairs and tables, estimate their densities (number per square area) in each room c) Using the Internet and books in the Library, find the characteristics (permittivity, permeability and conductivity or loss tangent) of materials you identified in a) d) Using the Internet find permittivity and loss tangent of common commercial electronic materials used in microwave communications. Example materials are FR4, Duroid, Teflon. e) Suppose we need to locate a small access point (base station) to transmit between levels M and 6, where do you suggest is the best location (give your reasons to justify your answer) Each student is required to summarise his or her findings in a 2 to 4 page report. Associate Professor Johnson I Agbinya – 2017 MIT School of Information Technology & Engineering
