phone detector.

As the increase in the telecommunication technology in the world using the electronic types of equipment is being used in the examination halls. To avoid this, I want to make a project for phone detector.



As the increase in the telecommunication technology in the world using the electronic types of equipment is being used in the examination halls. To avoid this, I want to make a project for phone detector.

This pocket mobile detector can sense the activated mobile cell phone from a distance of one-and-a-half meters. So, it can be used to prevent the use of mobile phones in examination halls, confidential rooms, etc. The circuit can detect the incoming mid outgoing calls. SMS and video transmission even if the mobile phone is kept in the silent mode. When the detector detects RF transmission signal from an activated mobile phone, it will start ring and light blink.

Project Scope

At present, in the face of all kinds of examinations, examinee’s cheating means is more changeable, more covert, the traditional mobile phone signal screening instrument cannot cope. In 2009, the students received more than 4,400 punishments, and the number of personnel issued to the staff at the examination centre increased by 29%.

According to OfQual’s test supervisors, the number of employees’ penalties increased from 68 to 88, and the number of students helping students to cheat increased from 45 to 58.

In the eight cases, the pretender was caught taking the test at the student’s place.

The most common way for students to cheat is to introduce unauthorized materials—mostly mobile phones and other electronic communication devices. These devices can be used to access the Internet and obtain stored information.

Project Statement

The compliable anti-exam-cheating-environment requires me to design a wireless cheating signal monitor based on the special environment of the examination room, to realize accurate collection and treatment of close-range signals and precise positioning of dense crowd. This kind of signal detector should have the function of signal amplification, ensure the accuracy and reliability of signal detection, and easy to realize the signal location and alarm to adjust the environment. Another thing I think about is automatically detection, according Australia law, staff can’t search student body, so those problems I will introduce how to deal them in following report. [3]
