CS 120 Project 4



S 120 Project 4 Due on Blackboard by Friday, October 19th For this project, you will design, implement, and use optionals, namespaces, file I/O and C++ classes with polymorphism. Requirements • All of your programming files should be in a private GitHub repository in the UVMCS120F2018 organization. • You may reuse the repository from a previous project if appropriate. • Your repository should have a .gitignore file and a README file. • In a header file (or files) declare at least three classes, where one class is an abstract base class and the other two classes extend it. Why did you choose these classes? What method(s) did you make pure virtual and why did that make sense? • You need to use at least two namespaces in your program. Why did you choose these namespaces? Justify the way you access them in your main program. • You must test all nontrivial methods from your classes. Create a testing.cpp that has a main function and put an add_executable line in CMakeLists.txt to create an executable for testing. • You need to write a fully functioning, interactive, and impressive main program. Create a main.cpp and put an add_executable line in CMakeLists.txt to create an executable for your main program. • You must use at least one optional in your program. It can be used as a field of a class or as a variable in your main function. Justify using an optional for this variable. Why does it make sense to use with objects of your classes? • You must include file I/O in your program. You can read from a file, write to a file, or both. You can include this in a method of a class or in a global function to be used in your main program. Why did you choose this functionality and how does it make sense to use with your program? • You must demonstrate polymorphism in your main program. Why did you choose this demonstration of polymorphism? • In your README file, you should write answers to all of the above questions and prompts. • All of the above must be pushed to your GitHub repository. • On Blackboard, submit the URL of the last commit. Grading The project is out of 80 points. 5 pts Project compiles and runs. GitHub repository includes all files as described above. 5 pts Good, consistent coding style throughout project. 15 pts Declared and defined at least three classes as described above. 5 pts Nontrivial methods are fully tested. 6 pts Declared and used at least two namespaces. 4 pts Declared and defined at least one optional. 10 pts Included file I/O in your program. 10 pts Main function uses all items declared and demonstrates polymorphism. 10 pts Main program is fully functional and impressive. 5 pts All user input is validated. 5 pts The README file contains all that is described above.
