Project #2 – Book Cipher
Student Name
INFO-1156 Object-Oriented Programming in C++
Garth Santor, Lianne Wong, and Janice Manning
March 19 th 2018
April 6 th 2018 @ 11:59pm
Project Description
Create two C++ console applications; one that encodes a text message using a book
cipher, and another that decodes the message coded by the previous program.
Program Interfaces
The encoder should have the following command-line interface:
bcencode.exe bookfile messagefile codedfile
The decoder should have the following command-line interface:
bcdecode.exe bookfile codedfile messagefile
• bookfile is the name of the ASCII text file containing the book used to
encode/decode the message.
• messagefile is the name of the ASCII text file containing the message to be
• codedfile is the name of the ASCII text file containing the offset numbers
Encoding rules
Encode each character of the source file by replacing it with two numbers, the first
representing the line in the book (zero-based), and the second the offset to that character
in that line (also zero-based). Any method of choosing which offset to use is acceptable
so long as the same offset isn’t used repeatedly.
At the end of running bcencoder, a codedfile is created with offsets.
At the end of running bcdecoder, a messagefile is created with the message.
The encoded file must be just a file of the exact offsets of the message file.
messagefile: “ACER”
codedfile: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000000 0x00000004
0x00000001 0x00000004
Encoding background
To read more about encoding messages using the book cipher see:
In this program, you are encoding letters, not the words. The encoded file will store the
number in binary.
‘bctest.exe’ is a program that can perform some tests on your encoder and decoder
programs. The test program should be placed into the same folder as your executable
files. If your programs are properly called ‘bcencode.exe’ and ‘bcdecode.exe’ the test
program will automatically execute your programs at appropriate times during the test.
Grading Criteria
Functional Requirements
Encoder works
Decoder works
Both programs report errors if any of the input files
cannot be opened (indicating which file was the
The encoder program reports and quits if the message
cannot be encoded by the book file (i.e. A character in
the message to be encoded does not exist in the book
file), and reports which character cannot be encoded.
10% 40%
10% 10%
Non-functional requirements
Executables program are not named ‘bcencode.exe’ and
Coded message uses the same index repeatedly for the
same letter.
Penalties from C & C++ Grading Guide v1.1.0
A guide to code/comment style can be found at C++ Style
Late submission
• One to five days late
• More than five days late
-10% / each
100% 100%
- Submit entire Visual Studio project directory to Fanshawe Online
a. Delete all debug and release directories. i
b. Submit in a .ZIP, .7z archive file.