CMPSC 360: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
Spring 2018 Project April 3, 2018
Project Overview
You have to implement what you have learned in CMPSC 360 to solve a practical problem of
your choice. The goal of the project is to help you in understanding the importance of the
concepts you are learning inside the classroom. Since the homework, recitations and other
quizzes are limited in scope this project will help you in understanding the practicality of discrete
mathematics with an interesting open-ended problem. You will also gain a very important skill of
carrying out research and communicating your findings in writing. Plus, it would really look cool
on your resume.
Important Dates
The due date for submitting a proposal 7th April 2018 11:00 pm
The due date for submitting final project report and code: 24th April 2018 11:00 pm
The main requirement for this project is to demonstrate the ability to demonstrate that you
understand the CMPSC 30 concepts and their practical importance.
You can work in teams of maximum two students but remember that more the number of people
in team more the work should be in the project. We recommend working by yourself.